Friday, August 29, 2008
3 Days...
10:35 PM
alright 3 days to go til i update my blog properly....cause its new and GREEN!yea!!!!!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Vietnam Fever Baby!
7:51 PM
ok i'm like feelin at 40% health at the i'm not gonna post just came back from vietnam.and feeling sick.i'll update more when i've got pictures from everybody!cheers!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Pics Galore!!!! Wakakaka...
7:56 PM
hey dudes and dudettes....(i think thats how its spelt!)like i promised,i'll update this thing when i've got last week's photos!!!see,i'm a man of my word.or MTT would say it,"Say What You Mean,Mean What You Say."haha.all righthy then.i had to be the MC (Master of Ceremony) for the ITE National Day Celebrations 2008.cause Mr. Izan asked me to be.alif was supposed to be too,but he backed out.(kepala otak kau la alif!)but Mr. Izan told me that he'll get 2 girls from banking to join here they are:(left to right)Ikhtiar & Aisyah & Rina.
this is before the event started whereby somebody was talking to me about the script.
yupp.the event didnt start til for another 15 to 20 i has like trying to remember what to say later on without looking at the script!(trying to be a professional. my first hosting gig! haha.)ok here's some pics just before the event started:so heres aisyah looking/thinking/wondering/preparing? before we had to go up on stage.
i'm still trying to memorize the script when i heard my name called.peace y'all !
Rina is looking constipated(i guess. sorry!)&Aisyah still sempat to pose eh!hurry up da!
and we're up!
and for like throughout the day,i did most of the talking.(thats what i feel, dunno what about the two of you. haha)
so here's the teacher that put the 3 of us together on stage.Mr. Izan, tgk aper tu?
thats the photographer.still dunno her name though.

this is like so cool.fair bald guy feat. dark bald guy(pls dont find me dudes. seriously!)
we had back-to-back dance performances.this is the crowd waiting for the performance.i was like talking and the mic was not cooperating.these people looked like they are listening but they're not.this is what i think went through their minds.hey MC shuddup la.we wanna watch the performers not you yapping!
i dunno why but claudia looks like she might have smelt BO or somebody's fart!
hey look!the hip-hop dance crew!
and the malay dancers!
basically that day was a fun day.after the celebrations,TA decided to go to the Haunted wasnt that scary.just fake ghosts imitating real, alif, natthapong went in twice just to accompany the girls.too bad for syqin though.she paid, but was not mentally and physically prepared to go til next time.cheers!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
5:40 PM
National Day punye in colour lor...haha.ok so i havent been updating.bite me.well the past few weeks were not that whats to blog about?so yesterday was my NS med-check there were so many other guys there.there only thing i was bummed about was the blood sample they took.(i hate needles).and they checked down there too.*winks*haha.then that was it.of course there were other checks too.FASTFORWARD.then i headed down to Tampines Mall.met up with the dudes.Asyraf,Shafiq,Haziq.we were at loggerheads as to where to eat.Pizza Hut,orSwensens.but we chose the former.we ordered like 3 Pizzas.boy was that easy to finish.then we had ice cream.all of us had the same one except for haziq.he's was like a kids meal ice cream.haha.FASTFORWARD AGAIN.....we went to play we always do every FRIDAY.yea.but this week was challenging....played against so-called PROS.yupp.well,i'll be updating again when i have the pics from MR.,cheers!HAPPY NATIONAL DAY TO ALL.