Sunday, March 30, 2008
Shopping Spreeeeeeeeeee.......
10:51 PM
i can't believe i just made my dad spent more than $200 just on me today! wooo~~~ (we should do this more often dad!) well, i got a pair of new converse shoes, new glasses, new converse jacket, and a 1 GB memory card. hahahaha. i thought that it'll be just another boring family outing today but boy was i wrong!!! nyeheheheh. had ice cream for lunch. hah. bet you'll want me to bring this to ya heh? well ask me nicely and maybe i will. haha. well looking forward to tomorrow's class chalet then! see ya on wednes
Saturday, March 29, 2008
10:41 PM
haha. i'm new to this blogging thanks to my sis, i've got this blog ! there comes a time when having a little sister rocks. so be very appreciative YOU people with younger siblings! ya that's pretty much it for now. it's 10.43 pm and it's late so i'll best be going then ! cheerio.
8:06 PM